"No man can be provident of his time who is not prudent in the choice of his company"

- Jeremy Taylor


What People Are Saying About Winning Without Winning

Having fun nutures inner strength.
  • "You will be affected by Winning Without Winning. It is an excellent reminder of what kid's sports should be all about. Anyone who really cares about kids will appreciate this book."
    Rick Vogel, Little League Association President.

    • A single mother and her teenage daughter had not spoken to each other in over two weeks. They were having a difference of opinion that escalated to the point of silence. After reading Winning Without Winning the mother knew exactly what to do. In tears, she called the author to say thank-you.

  • "Winning Without Winning is exceptional. It needed to be written 30 years ago. The examples and research make this book interesting and must be read by anyone concerned with our future generations."
    Robert Huschka, School Board Trustee

    • A nineteen-year-old girl moved away from home at fifteen years of age. A friend loaned her a copy of Winning Without Winning to read. After reading the book she traveled to Toronto to hear the author speak and to say thank-you. She explained, "I am now back on speaking terms with my parents and warned my younger brother to listen to Mom and Dad. They really do know what they're doing"

  • Crowley calls kid's sports of all descriptions a "life-building experience." He shows what good coaching is all about, and what does not qualify as good coaching.
    Dave Menary, Newspaper Reporter

    • The president of a sports association was so impressed with Winning Without Winning that copies were purchased for each coach in the league.

  • Crowley and his book are part of a fresh, welcome breeze blowing across the little league sporting scene.
    Dave Pink, Newspaper Reporter

    • The author's employer was so impressed with the book that complimentary copies were made available to any employee, in any branch and to customers worldwide. "This is a great book worth your while reading. We are proud of Gerry," says Bill Boehm, President and CEO of Connector Manufacturing Company of Hamilton Ohio.

  • "Winning Without Winning is the best book I have ever read concerning youth sports. I bought all of our Middle School Coaches a copy. I wish every person who coaches kids at the beginning level could not only read Winning Without Winning, but truly buy into your concepts. My regret is that I did not have the book when I was coaching kids."
    Randy Hatfield, Principal, Borger Intermediate School, Borger Texas

    • The City of Waterloo Ontario purchased 150 copies of Winning Without Winning to ensure each organization would get a copy to pass the message on to anyone involved with kids.

  • I find the 16th precept (How to Lose) the key factor. Learning from a loss actually improves later performances. The Russians are known to lose non-important games to test the opponents strengths and weaknesses. The end result of a particular game is not important to them.
    Raymond Stonkus, Canadian Chess Expert.

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